Delhi BJP spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor on Saturday claimed that amidst his increasing likelihood of defeat in the assembly elections, AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal is attempting to create a new scepticism by producing a short film about his own arrest and arranging for its screening.
The BJP leader pointed out that Kejriwal should remember that before any private screening, he requires the court’s permission, as the court has prohibited him from making public statements or holding discussions regarding his case.
Taking a dig at a documentary on Kejriwal, which his party intends to screen, Kapoor commented that showing such a film will not prove the AAP chief’s innocence as he will have to prove the same in a court of law regarding the case against him.
The BJP leader mocked the AAP chief’s statement that “had this film been screened, the truth behind the conspiracy of my arrest would have come out; hence, the BJP had the police stop its private screening,” calling it laughable.